If you are now living with an asbestos related disease in England and Wales, or a loved one has been diagnosed with an asbestos illness, we can help you towards the care and support you need. The Catherine Higgins team of experienced lawyers can help you with your asbestos claim and work with you to achieve the compensation you are entitled to receive.

We can help you with mesothelioma, pleural thickening, asbestosis, and asbestos lung cancer compensation, whether you have been exposed to asbestos dust from:

  • Your Job: or working within an industry where asbestos was used heavily, such as construction, manufacturing and shipbuilding.
  • Occupational Exposure perhaps in a hospital, school or office
  • Non-occupational Exposure through environmental contact from a family member bringing asbestos dust home on their clothes, or from attending a school where there was asbestos dust.

For more information on making asbestos illness related claims in Liverpool and throughout England and Wales, call Catherine Higgins today. A member of our team will provide you with further advice and if appropriate, make a claim on your behalf.

Providing Guidance On Asbestos Claims In Woolton

Once we have reviewed your case details and its conditions, we will be able to make an assessment on your asbestos claim. From our Woolton, South Liverpool offices, we can advise on the likelihood of your claim being successful and compensation awarded.

When you get in touch, it helps to have as much detail as possible about your claim. But do still call if you are worried you do not have everything; our sympathetic, specialist and helpful team can help you identify where you would have been exposed to asbestos.

If you have previously worked as a builder, joiner, electrician or carpenter or other occupation where you were exposed to asbestos, or other circumstances where you have been exposed to asbestos dust, contact the team today get started in your asbestos claim. We can also act for some family members where a loved one has died from an asbestos illness.


Catherine Higgins Law: Experienced Mesothelioma Compensation And Asbestos Solicitors

As asbestos solicitors, Catherine Higgins Law is experienced in mesothelioma compensation and claims for asbestosis. Solicitors based in South Liverpool, but working for the whole of England and Wales, we can seek compensation on your behalf for sufferers of all asbestos illnesses.

Asbestos was once considered to be a safe building material that possessed desirable qualities for both fire protection and the insulation of properties. However the hazardous and carcinogenic nature of even small amounts of asbestos dust has been known for more than half a century.

The Catherine Higgins team possess an extensive amount of experience as asbestos lawyers in South Liverpool, having sought and obtained compensation for many of our clients. While the success of any case is not guaranteed, we will be completely open and honest with you about your claim. And, where we feel you have an entitlement to asbestos compensation, will do all we can to ensure that you receive what you are entitled to.

For more information on the process for making asbestos related claims in South Liverpool and across England and Wales, call us today to speak to a member of our team. Once we have the details of your case, we can give you the help you need.


Have You Been Affected By Asbestos

There are a number of illnesses that may be caused by exposure to asbestos dust. You may be entitled to compensation for mesothelioma, pleural thickening, asbestosis and asbestos related lung cancer. We act for clients in the UK and abroad who have been exposed to asbestos dust by companies based in England and Wales.

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with an asbestos related illness, in addition to any compensation you may also be entitled to regular state benefits and possibly a lump sum. There may also even be the chance to claim an award from trust funds. Asbestos is a mineral that was used extensively in insulation in this country in the last century. Its uses included insulating pipework, vessels, brake linings, insulation board, rope, string and even cloth. People working in many trades were at risk of breathing in asbestos dust and developing an illness as a result.

There Are A Number Of Trades/Professions Where You May Be Exposed To Asbestos Dust.

  • Joiners
  • Thermal Insulation Engineers (Laggers)
  • Fitters
  • Engineers
  • Telephone Engineers
  • Dockers
  • Scalers
  • Factory Workers
  • Shipyard Workers
  • Sea Going Engineers
  • Cable Jointers
  • Car Mechanics
  • Welders
  • Riggers
  • Painters
  • School Caretakers
  • School Teachers (Or Pupils)
  • Electricians
  • Hospital Workers

Worried About Making Asbestos Claims Do Not Be Put Off Because:

A relative has died from an asbestos related illness without making a claim.

If a relative has died from an asbestos illness within the last 3 years it may be possible to pursue a claim on behalf of his estate or for his dependants.

You are not sure where you have been exposed to asbestos.

By talking to us, it may be possible to identify where you have breathed in asbestos dust.

The firm you worked for when you were exposed to asbestos dust has closed down.

We will investigate your employment history, and may be able to trace someone to sue.

You have been told that you have lung cancer, but do not have asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening, and you used to smoke.

Exposure to asbestos dust increases your risk of developing lung cancer, and it may be possible to pursue a claim for compensation even if you do not have asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening. We will take a detailed statement of your work and the circumstances in which you were exposed to asbestos dust, and with expert medical , engineering, and epidemiological evidence it may be possible to obtain compensation.

Your doctor told you that you have an asbestos related illness, but you applied for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB), but your application was unsuccessful.

There are different rules for deciding whether you are entitled to IIDB, and compensation through the courts. We will be able to investigate your claim and advise whether it is worthwhile pursuing a claim for compensation.

Our First Meeting:

Useful Information To Bring To Our First Meeting:

  • Make a list of firms you have worked for since leaving school, with dates to the best of your memory
  • Identify firms where you think you may have breathed in asbestos dust
  • Make a note of details of witnesses who can confirm the circumstances in which you breathed in asbestos dust
  • Write down details of your GP surgery and hospitals where you have been investigated for your asbestos related illness
  • If you have already applied for benefits for your illness, make a note of the details e.g. the benefit applied for and the address of the office dealing with your claim